Display Help
If you don't find the answer to your questions here, please contact us. We're happy to help.
Email: support@abbimedia.com
Phone: 719-373-6996
Setting up your display computer
- Find a place near your TV screen for the computer. Most often it is simply placed behind the screen on top of the wall mount. Any location is fine as long as it’s secure.
- Connect the computer to your TV using an HDMI cable.
- Connect the power.
- Turn on the TV and choose the correct input.
- Turn the computer on. (Switch located on the corner)
Your presentation should begin automatically once the computer boots.
If you get a “No internet connection” message, refer to the WiFi Changes section below.
Unless otherwise specified, the presentation is pre-set for standard HD TV with a screen resolution of 1920X1080 and should fill the screen.
If the slides appear too large or too small for the screen, we can apply custom screen settings for your location. See the section below for determining your screen resolution, then contact us and let us know what your settings need to be.
How to I determine the screen resolution on my TV?
- Connect a keyboard to the display computer.
- Restart your display computer by turning it off and back on.
- When the computer boots up and loads the first slide you will see a dialog box at the top of the screen.
- Make note of the display ID number shown, then type 1000 and press enter.
- Your screen resolution will be displayed on the screen. Example 1920 x 1080.
- To return to your presentation, restart the display computer again, and re-enter the original display ID number.
How to I edit my display presentation?
- Most of our displays use Google Slides as the primary source.
- Google Slides is similar to Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Create your presentation in Google Slides.
- Share your presentation with us.
- We link your presentation to your device.
- From this point, any edits made to your presentation will appear on your display automatically.
How to I find the link to my Google Slides presentation?
- When your Google Slides presentation is ready, click the SHARE button at the top right.
- In the dialog box, under General Access make "Anyone with the link" and "Viewer" is selected.
- Click "Copy Link" and the slideshow link is now in your clipboard.
- Click "DONE"
- Paste the link in an email or where ever you need it.
WiFi Changes
To change the Wifi name or password you’ll need to connect a keyboard and mouse to your display computer.
- With keyboard and mouse connected and ready, turn on (or restart) the Chromebox. Hold the power button down to shut down. Press again to restart.
- When the unit begins to boot up, you’ll briefly see a Chrome logo, then a few seconds later you’ll see a green and white KIOSK logo. When the KIOSK logo appears, very quickly press Control + ALT + S (all 3 at the same time) You only have a couple seconds to do this.
- If successful you will see a login screen. No need to log in.
- In the lower right corner of the screen you’ll see a wifi icon. Click it.
- In the window that pops up click on the wifi icon to choose your wifi network.
- Another window will open to enter the password.
If it fails, you will see an error message.
If it connects, you’re done.
Restart the device and let it boot up completely.
If everything looks good, disconnect the keyboard and mouse.